Archive for Get Involved

All Aboard…

Many thanks for checking out The Late, Great Canadian Indie Roadshow Revival’s new website, blog and forum. I recommend hitting the About the Roadshow Revival and Get Involved menu links to get a better sense of what this initiative is all about before you decide to participate as either a contributor or follower. Your input is essential to forming some consensus on how to shape the Roadshow Revival to benefit both filmmakers and audiences in this challenging economic climate, as well as to trade some insights and wisdom on the business (and BS) of independent filmmaking in Canada.

At this point, the Revival is nothing but a fledgling, grassroots, open-source effort that simply doesn’t stand a chance at growth without your involvement. So whether you’re a filmmaker, producer, independent exhibitor, small distributor or audience member, let us know that you’re out there and have something at stake in the success of this effort by signing on.

Look out for the inaugural post, Dead-On Revival?, coming in May…